Source: 影劇中心/綜合報導 http://www.nownews.com
▼ ▲周杰倫難得被偷拍還露出微笑。(圖/擷取自太陽報)
Recently Jay Chou held concert in Hong Kong, and he took advantage of a rest hour when shopping, with four and eight security staff, to "Parade" at night he moved into the investment
According to Hong Kong media reports, Jay will be neutral while the concert to Causeway Bay shopping, though it was a typhoon, but he was still taking heavy winds sweep goods. Wearing a wool hat and mask, he entered the department store, a pedestrian parade, parade of so many great staff shocked, it is learned that his visit was mainly to help purchase new clothes warheads.
Jay then moved to eating at hot pot restaurants, arrival point to Shu Qi Shique slightly sinister smile back, the original staff members were followed by National Cheng Kung University painted face painting, known to eat before they go bowling, losers will have to be Face Painting, Jay appears from the expression of pride, he seems to be the big winner.
In addition, the 14-year-old son, Anthony Wong magazine recently been tracked, and refers to his brother in front of the class play, his dissatisfaction for this report said: "The thing I read stories to my son seriously affected, a violation of his privacy, I strongly condemn, will be handed over to lawyers! "and said his son in a bad mood, I hope the outside world not to disturb him.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
中天「Mr.J頻道」開通 周杰倫電視節目主持處女秀
能唱能跳能演的周杰倫,又將多了一個新身分,那就是綜藝節目的主持人!先前不斷對外放話要主持節目的周杰倫,終於有了屬於自己的音樂談話性節目「Mr.J 頻道」囉,他今天在開錄記者會上表示︰「我說到做到,就是要開節目。」語氣中充滿了自信。周杰倫籌備多時的中天節目「Mr.J頻道」今日也公佈四位神祕主 持群,包括舞蹈老師小麥、雪糕及化妝師杜國璋,配上主持群中唯一的女生乙黑繪理。
儘管目前播出時間還不確定,但周杰倫跨足主持界可是演藝圈的大事,現場媒體來了近25家,幾乎要把活動會場塞爆。這次在新節目中,他找來自己的化妝師杜 哥、浪花兄弟MV女主角乙黑繪里、舞蹈老師小黑與雪糕共同擔任固定班底,周杰倫說︰「這些人是我親自選的,因為都是老朋友了,所以互動很自然,大家比較了 解彼此好笑的點在哪,我覺得綜藝節目就是要讓大家覺得有趣搞笑,而且還要自然,那這個節目絕對會融合音樂、舞蹈跟幽默在其中。」(點擊現場更多圖片)
這四位主持群全是周杰倫從小玩到大的好友,小麥是周杰倫的編舞老師及專屬dancer,目前是亞提斯娛樂事業總監;雪糕不但是御用舞蹈老師,現任為亞洲舞 道館創辦人、北京海蝶森林舞蹈總監;杜國璋是周杰倫的御用化妝師,也曾參與多部MV電影演出;唯一的女生乙黑繪理則是浪花兄弟的MV女主角。
杰 倫還說,自己主持節目有「三不」,一不唱歌、二不跳舞、三不演戲,下定決心就是要死命的講話。至於節目的內容的走向,周杰倫形容「舞蹈、音樂、幽默、風趣 融合在一起。」但外界好奇的是,一向話不多的周杰倫要如何主持電視節目?他很有自信地說:「剛出道時,我可能會擔心,但經過了十年演藝圈的歷練,現在對自 己的說話很有信心,說跟十年前相比,現在的自己可會講話了,一點也不緊張,我也不怕冷場。」
The Cast
TAIPEI: Taiwan star Jay Chou can finally add another title to his resume: television host.
The first episode of Chou's new talk show "Mr J Channel" was recorded on Tuesday, fulfilling the pop icon's dream of being a bona fide television host, reported Taiwan media.
Chou described his new show as "a combination of dance, music, wit and humour".
It will feature Chou's choreographer and dance trainer Ice Cream and Wheat, along with his make-up artist Du Guo Zhang and Eri Otoguro, a starlet who had previously appeared in one of Chou's music video.
"These people grew up with me and we are very familiar with what makes each other laugh. We have chemistry. The interaction will be very natural and the humour won't be fake," said Chou of the cast.
Of course, the man himself will also step up to do some hosting in each episode.
When asked if he, a man of few words, is confident of his hosting abilities, Chou replied that it will not be a problem.
"When I started out [in showbiz], I may have been a little worried. But after a decade in the entertainment industry, I am quite confident in my speaking ability now and I am not afraid of any awkward moments," said the 30-year-old.
However, the superstar went on to explicitly state that every episode will follow his strict policy of 'three don'ts' – he will not sing, dance or act.
Chou also pointed out that he has full say on the show's guests and "people whom I am always linked to will never appear".
Does that mean we will never see pop princess and ex Jolin Tsai on the show?
Chou answered the question with a smile and changed the topic to fellow singer Show Luo instead.
Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com
Credits: catseyes - www.jay-chou.net
能唱能跳能演的周杰倫,又將多了一個新身分,那就是綜藝節目的主持人!先前不斷對外放話要主持節目的周杰倫,終於有了屬於自己的音樂談話性節目「Mr.J 頻道」囉,他今天在開錄記者會上表示︰「我說到做到,就是要開節目。」語氣中充滿了自信。周杰倫籌備多時的中天節目「Mr.J頻道」今日也公佈四位神祕主 持群,包括舞蹈老師小麥、雪糕及化妝師杜國璋,配上主持群中唯一的女生乙黑繪理。
儘管目前播出時間還不確定,但周杰倫跨足主持界可是演藝圈的大事,現場媒體來了近25家,幾乎要把活動會場塞爆。這次在新節目中,他找來自己的化妝師杜 哥、浪花兄弟MV女主角乙黑繪里、舞蹈老師小黑與雪糕共同擔任固定班底,周杰倫說︰「這些人是我親自選的,因為都是老朋友了,所以互動很自然,大家比較了 解彼此好笑的點在哪,我覺得綜藝節目就是要讓大家覺得有趣搞笑,而且還要自然,那這個節目絕對會融合音樂、舞蹈跟幽默在其中。」(點擊現場更多圖片)
這四位主持群全是周杰倫從小玩到大的好友,小麥是周杰倫的編舞老師及專屬dancer,目前是亞提斯娛樂事業總監;雪糕不但是御用舞蹈老師,現任為亞洲舞 道館創辦人、北京海蝶森林舞蹈總監;杜國璋是周杰倫的御用化妝師,也曾參與多部MV電影演出;唯一的女生乙黑繪理則是浪花兄弟的MV女主角。
杰 倫還說,自己主持節目有「三不」,一不唱歌、二不跳舞、三不演戲,下定決心就是要死命的講話。至於節目的內容的走向,周杰倫形容「舞蹈、音樂、幽默、風趣 融合在一起。」但外界好奇的是,一向話不多的周杰倫要如何主持電視節目?他很有自信地說:「剛出道時,我可能會擔心,但經過了十年演藝圈的歷練,現在對自 己的說話很有信心,說跟十年前相比,現在的自己可會講話了,一點也不緊張,我也不怕冷場。」
The Cast
TAIPEI: Taiwan star Jay Chou can finally add another title to his resume: television host.
The first episode of Chou's new talk show "Mr J Channel" was recorded on Tuesday, fulfilling the pop icon's dream of being a bona fide television host, reported Taiwan media.
Chou described his new show as "a combination of dance, music, wit and humour".
It will feature Chou's choreographer and dance trainer Ice Cream and Wheat, along with his make-up artist Du Guo Zhang and Eri Otoguro, a starlet who had previously appeared in one of Chou's music video.
"These people grew up with me and we are very familiar with what makes each other laugh. We have chemistry. The interaction will be very natural and the humour won't be fake," said Chou of the cast.
Of course, the man himself will also step up to do some hosting in each episode.
When asked if he, a man of few words, is confident of his hosting abilities, Chou replied that it will not be a problem.
"When I started out [in showbiz], I may have been a little worried. But after a decade in the entertainment industry, I am quite confident in my speaking ability now and I am not afraid of any awkward moments," said the 30-year-old.
However, the superstar went on to explicitly state that every episode will follow his strict policy of 'three don'ts' – he will not sing, dance or act.
Chou also pointed out that he has full say on the show's guests and "people whom I am always linked to will never appear".
Does that mean we will never see pop princess and ex Jolin Tsai on the show?
Chou answered the question with a smile and changed the topic to fellow singer Show Luo instead.
Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com
Credits: catseyes - www.jay-chou.net
Jay took up the job of hosting and celebrated with his good friends leaving out Jolin! When asked if Jolin will be invited as guest on the programme, he said, "No, because it is rare, it is precious." Extremely cherishing collaboration opportunities with Jolin, Jay revealed that after the Double J dance, there have been interaction between the two of them privately and they will chat occasionally.
Though everyone is familar with the J-girls and B-rated stars were trying to expose him one after another to attempt a shot at stardom, Jay, who is successful with his career yet having a mysterious love life when asked regarding his opinion on forming a family said, "It seems good if I secretly have a child."
Jay said, "Sometimes when I carry a friend's child, I will have this thought: "It seems good if I secretly have a child."; but when I see my friends getting married, I will think, "Luckily I didn't get married, having freedom is great." Although expressing that he wanted to devote his time currently on his career, Jay also said, "I don't wish to have a child only at 40, I am worried there will be a generation gap."
As for the "child's mum", Jay hope he can find an understanding and filial girl who is also able to see things on a bigger picture, he said, "Being my girlfriend will be very miserable, I don't have much time to be with her." When ask about his views on marriage, Jay said insistently that "once married, he will never divorce" and hope to form a complete family.
Starting to go night spots, Jay owned it to Jaycee Chan's influence, he said, "I used to get bored at a corner, now that I let my hair down, it feels pretty good and I can try to bond with others by performing magic tricks." Everytime he went to night spots, he can't help it that many people are preventing his opportunity to find his love destiny there but he will not pick up girls and purely just want to use his magic to entertain everyone.
Other than his world tour, Jay is also proactively preparing for his tv programme that he will be hosting, he expressed that he is greatly influenced by Chang Hsiao-yen and Jacky Wu; he recalled the time when he was still a singer-songwriter, he will often watch Jacky Wu's recording, and also, after Jay went on "SS Xiao Yan's Night", he praised Chang Hsiao-yen is very good at creating a light-hearted atmosphere, it was the one recording that he "laughed for the longest time".
He revealed that when he was small, he will use his recorder and record "Lian Huan Pao" and then writes the script and acted out with his cousin the "Cool Guy, Homely Girl" duet, he laughingly said, "I seem to be doing my homework on hosting since young." Knowing how to write a script at the age of five or six years old, he delightfully said he was a "young Wang Wei Zhong" (a famous tv producer).
Jay insisted that he will not sing or dance on his programme, and he wanted to use a "non-Jay" style of hosting to break through his usual image; crossing over to the hosting world, Jay anticipated that there will be negative comments on him then, he still humorously said, "This is a prediction greater than Liu Qian's (a famous magician in Taiwan)."
Jay challenging the hosting job is for real, and if the viewership is good, he will continue to host on but still will use his free time slot to compose music so as to not let his fans down.
Translation: catseyes (www.jay-chou.net)
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