"Director Chou" Jay Chou has given a helping hand to the new group "The Drifters", he has taken time out of his busy schedule to film an MV for them, he even came up with their name "The Drifters (spray)", "Spray represents the circle of life, life is like the ups and downs of spray, if you ride through it when the tide is down, there's a chance to catch the next wave."
"The Drifters" is made up of Darren and Chang Qing, two boys with similar temperaments, in a moment of inspiration Jay Chou brought the two together, as originally they didn't know each other, and helped them release an album, he even brought along Vincent Fang to help them write the main song "If I Think Of You I Write A Letter", he didn't hold back in helping "The Drifters".
"If I Think Of You I Write A Letter" has an oriental flavour, Jay Chou chose to film the MV at the rural area of Kamakura in Japan and in front of Mount Fuji, when they were filming the temperature was only 4C, "The Drifters" only wore think clothing and sandals, but seeing how hard everyone was working, they didn't dare complain.
Source and translated from: The Liberty Times
「浪花兄弟」由 Darren和常青2個氣質相近的男生組成,周董靈機一動,把原本互不相識的兩人組團發片,更找來老搭檔方文山一同操刀,為他們創作主打歌「想你就寫
「想你就寫信」有著濃濃東洋味,周董選在日本鐮倉鄉下與富士山前拍攝這支MV,拍攝時氣溫只有攝氏 4度,「浪花兄弟」僅穿單薄衣物和編織涼鞋入鏡,但他們看到大家那麼辛苦的為MV忙碌,根本不敢喊冷叫苦。
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