Saturday, October 9, 2010
華語歌壇兩大才子王力宏、周杰倫,一直以來總是被外界拿來互相比較,其實兩人的PK由來已久,從2000年 周董推出首張專輯《JAY》後,就一路糾纏至今。他們除了都會唱歌、創作外,還都投入了演戲這個領域,之後 更相繼往導演路邁進,不過以成績來看,王力宏成績似乎沒有比周杰倫來得亮眼,甚至還有人說王力宏愛跟隨周董 腳步?
王力宏是才華洋溢的ABC,獨創Chinked-out華人嘻哈新曲風,周杰倫則是風流倜儻的小天王,「倫式唱法」風靡全亞洲。兩人一直力爭歌壇「新生代 天 王」寶座,不過就在難分高下之際,有眼尖網友發現王力宏疑似在跟隨周杰倫,相繼推出充滿濃厚中國風的歌曲。 然而陶喆近來歌曲也都走向中國風,只能說是英雄所見略同。
日前王力宏推出了首部自導自演的電影《戀愛通告》,儘管外界褒貶不一,但這部片還是在內地開出7千萬元人民 幣(約3.2億台幣)票房,而台灣也賣了8百萬元,算是成績不俗,不過,這部片從開拍到上映外界總認為他在 跟風周杰倫。從兩人首部執導成績來看,《不能說的秘密》曾獲得44屆金馬獎年度傑出電影,反觀《戀愛通告》 則只入圍本屆金馬獎最佳電影歌曲,以兩人首次執導成績來看,似乎是周董較佔上風。
此外,有網友發現王力宏《伯牙絕玹》MV女主角,竟是曾出現在周董《說好的幸福呢》MV的國企匡,但很少人 認出那位彈琴的女主角是國企匡,連各家媒體也僅以混血版劉亦菲來代稱她。不過,這只是能說國企匡太漂亮了, 才讓兩位小天王接連與她合拍MV。
而王力宏在新歌《美》MV中,他穿上毛茸茸的皮草外套,外加4條又粗又重的銀項鍊扮嘻哈高手,讓人想到周杰 倫2004年時,在蔡依林演唱會中也是穿了一件厚重的皮草外套。對於兩人眼光這麼相似,有媒體就揶揄王力宏 竟然拷貝周董五年前的造型,讓人分不清楚誰是誰。
接下來,周杰倫將跨足主持,不知王力宏是否也要來一決高下?但不管如何兩人都是各自歌迷心目中,永遠的第一 名,至於誰輸誰贏,還不能這麼早下定論,畢竟未來的路還很長久, 只能說有競爭才有成長,這些「跟風說」大家看看就好囉!
Lee Hom likes to copy Jay? Even the MV female lead is Jassie Chen。。。
The two talents of the Chinese pop scene, Lee Hom and Jay Chou have always been the objects of comparison by the public. Actually the competition between the two of them dated way back, from the time in year 2000 when Jay released his debut album "Jay", the battle had already began. Not only they can sing and compose, they have also entered the acting scene, and later on they were headed towards the path of a director. However from the looks of their result, Lee Hom's report book doesn't seem to be more remarkable than Jay and there are even comments that Lee Hom likes to follow behind Jay's footsteps?
Lee Hom followed Jay's oriental-style music?
Lee Hom has always been a talented ABC (American Born Chinese) and created his unique style of the Chinked-out Chinese Hip-Hop style. Jay on the other hand is the suave heavenly prince of the Chinese pop scene, his "Jay" style of singing takes the whole of Asia by storm. The two of them have been vying for the title of the "new generation king of pop" and just when they were evenly on par with each other, a sharp netizen spotted that Lee Hom is seemingly following behind Jay Chou, churning out oriental-style songs after him. But then again, David Tao's recent songs are always heading this style so we can only say great minds think alike.
Lee Hom followed suit to shoot movie?
Recently Lee Hom released his first ever self-directed movie "Love in Disguise", although reviews were inconsistent, this movie was able to earn ticket sales of 70 million RMB (about NT$320 million) in China, and in Taiwan, ticket sales was at NT$ 8 million, and it is considered a good result. However, this movie since the first day of shoot to the day it was on screen, everyone was having the impression that he is copying Jay. From the results of their self-directed movie, "Secret" was awarded the outstanding film of the year on the 44th Golden Horse Awards whereas "Love in Disguise" was only nominated for the Golden Horse Awards best original film song. Judging from this, it seems Jay got the upperhand.
Lee Hom copied Jay and used the same female lead?
In additon, a netizen discovered that Lee Hom's "Bo Ya Jue Xian" MV female lead whose name is Jassie Chen had appeared in Jay's "Where Is Our Promised Happiness" MV. But very few people can identify the female lead who was playing the piano and even the media labelled her as the "Li Yi Fei of mixed parentage" to name her. All we can say is, it is because Jassie Chen is really too pretty, that is why the two heavenly princes looked for her to take part in their MVs.
Lee Hom copied Jay to wear leather jackets?
And in Lee Hom's new song, "Beautiful" MV, he wore a furry leather jacket and had 4 heavy and thick silver necklaces acting as a Hip-Hop expert. It makes one link it to Jay when he wore a thick leather jacket during Jolin's concert in 2004. Regarding them having similar taste, the media speculated that Lee Hom was actually copying Jay's image 5 years back, making one unable to distinguish the two of them.
Next, Jay will be crossing over to host, so we wonder if Lee Hom will also do the same for a showdown? But no matter what, they are both number 1 in the heart of their fans, as for who is the winner, it is still too early to tell, their future is still far ahead, so all we can say is when there is competition, there will be improvement so all the talk about Lee Hom following Jay, please read it with a pinch of salt!
Reporter Zeng Wan Ting, exclusive report
Translation: catseyes (
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